Linter and Formatter
The Linter
For the linter we use ESLint, with multiple plugins for TypeScript, React, and Prettier. Its job is to warn us for potential errors or bugs, and enforce a consistent code style.
To check all the fontend code (except the legacy), run:
npm run lint
The linter is automatically run when you save a file, if you have the ESLint extension installed in VSCode. It will show you the errors and warnings directly in the editor.
If you want to add an exception (for example when the linter raises an error that is impossible to fix), you can ignore that error by adding a comment:
// eslint-disable-next-line
const a = 1;
All the ESLint rules are defined in the .eslintrc
The Formatter
For the formatter we use Prettier. Its role is to format the code in a consistent way, so that we don't have to worry about code styling.
To format all the frontend code (except the legacy), run:
npm run lint:fix
The formatter is automatically run when you save a file, if you have the Prettier extension installed in VSCode.