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Manage URLs

Finally, let's create urls to access our ViewSet.

Register your URLs

First, let's create the file and add a router:

from rest_framework import routers
from .api_views import EventViewSet

router = routers.DefaultRouter()
router.register('event', EventViewSet, basename='event')

urlpatterns = router.urls

Then, register your URLs in the file of the project:

from django.urls import include, path

urlpatterns = [
# ...
path("api/event/", include("apps.event.urls", namespace="event_api")),

Test your URLs

The DefaultRouter automatically creates these URLs (we have 2 times event, because it's the name of the app and the name of the model):

HTTP Method and URLView (or action)Description(1)(2)(3)
GET /api/event/event/listGet the list of all events defined by the queryset
POST /api/event/event/createCreate a new Event object
GET /api/event/event/<id>/retrieveGet the data of one event by its id
PUT /api/event/event/<id>/updateModify the data of an event
DELETE /api/event/event/<id>/destroyRemove the event from the database
  • (1) Views that call the has_permission method of the Permission class (all)
  • (2) Views that call the has_object_permission method of the Permission class (details=True).
  • (3) Views that call the validate method of the Serializer class.

You can now use these URLs in the front end, or directly in the browser to test your API!

Event API