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Install Party

Let's start by installing all the programs we need!

To do this, we will need to use the terminal: make sure that you know how to open it and use it.

Help! I don't know what a terminal is 😢

Don't worry, we will explain you the basics 😉

On Windows, you have two terminals: CMD, the oldest one, and Powershell, the new one. We recommend you to only use Powershell, wich has less issues.

To open a terminal, simply type Powershell in the search bar of your system, and open it like any application. There you are! A new window with some white lines should appear.


You can also open PowerShell from a right click on the Start Menu, but be careful to select the "PowerShell" and not "PowerShell (Admin)" !

The directory where you are is shown on the last line. By default, it should be your user directory, so something like C:\Users\michel\. You can deplace to other directories with:

  • cd ".\my_subdirectory\": go into the subdirectory my_subdirectory (try with the default directory Downloads !). The . in this command represents the current directory. Note that the " are optionals (they are required only if your path contains spaces).
  • cd ..: go to the parent directory
  • ls: list all the files and sub-directories of the current directory

In general, all the commands have the same syntax:

program --option1 --option2 arg1 arg2

Some explanations:

  • program is the name of the program you want to use. It could be python for example, or cd (for Change Directory), etc...
  • --option is an option you can pass to the program, which is most of the time optional. They always have the -- at the begingging which indicates it is an option. You can also find shortcuts for options, with one dash (for example -o).
  • arg is the main arument you pass to the program. For example, for the cd program, you pass the name of the directory where you want to go as an argument.
  • the space is used to separate the differents options and arguments of the command. So never put a space inside an option or an argument!

Tip: all programs have in general the --help option to show all the options and arguments possible, and the --version option to check the version. Remember it, they are very useful! 🤩

Don't have time?

You can skip the installation by working directly in your browser. See the Pick an OS section.